The Hubble Just Caught These “Light Formations” on Jupiter

no way?

Apparently there are more surprises in our own solar system then we can imagine.  Many are familioar with the famous red Jupiter spot that seems to keep going.  And that is mysterious enough as most astronomers cannot completely explain it.  And now you can add another Jupiter mystery:

Astronomers are using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope to study auroras — stunning light shows in a planet’s atmosphere — on the poles of the largest planet in the Solar System, Jupiter. This observation programme is supported by measurements made by NASA’s Juno spacecraft, currently on its way to Jupiter.

Is that too much or what who would have suspected something like this?

Let’s check out a cool video of this bizarre light formation on Jupiter on page 2

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  1. Richard Clancy said:

    And the suits have 14 layers of protection between them and the outside vacuum of space. One of those layers contains a liquid water cooling system. If it malfunctions, water can flood the helmet as it has twice. The only way water would leak out of the suit is if a tear in the suit punctured 11 of the layers and through the tubing of the cooling system.

  2. Richard Clancy said:

    And the proof you base your beliefs on is one that has to do with your inability to understand the speed of rotation and the speed of orbit? Really? You act like because 1700mph seems “really fast” if you were to jump in a vehicle and achieve that speed. But then you aren’t looking at it correctly. That speed that seems so unfathomable is actually quite the crawl in planetary scale. And our orbital velocity is also quite slow in comparison to the distance traveled to complete a revolution (1 calendar year. )

  3. Garrett Gable said:

    Im sorry so explain to me something. If your rotation is with or opposite a planet and your travelling 1700mph and the planet is rotating 1200 mph (being just a calculation to fit the round EARTH equation) are you travelling 2900 or -500? Or wait does that apply since your in a vacuum not magically being altered by the atmosphere thanks to the other fitting equation (we dont actually have mathmatic proof of just theories) called gravity? Some particles decide to stay in gravity at a magical mystical point where the vacuum decided not to suck in anymore and gravity decides which atoms molecules it wants to keep away from the vacuum.

  4. Sean Fruit said:

    As I remember, Jupiter is usually described as a “gas giant”. Last I checked many experts were still disagreeing on the content and depth of its surface if it even has one. We know that the Aurora on earth is partly resulting from our geomagnetic iron core.

    Doesn’t this Aurora provide confirmation of a similar iron core inside Jupiter? And since it is similarly protected from dangerous solar rays, couldn’t the chances for the presence of life there now be considered higher? What forms would that life take in a high gravity environment? How can we test for their presence?

  5. Brian Hoover said:

    I suggest you find some facts to read so you can understand space. Cosmic rays are radiation, and not all radiation is in the form of heat. Go find some articles to read on it, or better yet buy Kerbal Space Program, it’s not 100 percent accurate with the physics but damn close and will help you understand what is going on.

  6. Garrett Gable said:

    Hoover. I know not all radiation is heat. That kind of radiation however is deadly to humans and electronics. Its unlikely to be so easily detered by a space suit or the i.s.s. and nasa has out their foot in their mouths by saying that we can not get past the van allen radiation belt

  7. Brian Hoover said:

    Let me be a little more clear. Regardless of you liking my comment you alone make me want to reconsider my state farm car insurance.

  8. Paiman Tokhi said:

    Jupiter is a gas giant. There are particles that allow electromagnetic fields to erupt and as the gas giant is spinning so fast it spirals like that in the picture.

  9. Dan Vaughn said:

    I read an article not too long ago about our solar system. It’s believed that our solar system is beginning to enter an area of the universe that is full of an unknkown type of energy. That every planet in our solar system, including our sun, is showing signs of being effected by it.

    Not sure how much credibility it holds but it would make sense of what is happening to the planets and sun right now…

  10. David Hua Ken Cheng said:

    The light formations on Jupiter manifested from Collision between electrically charged photon particles and high concentration of precipitation of frozen ice crystal and water ice. Jupiter probably is an icy planet with seasonal liquid oceans.


