They Caught an Epic Black Hole Melt Down On Video

Here is a bit of quick information on how we view black holes.  For some this will be informative and some more hard core astronomers or fans may know this already:

This is a pretty impressive sight, but much is hidden from view by interstellar dust, and astronomers need to look using a different wavelength, the infrared, that can penetrate the dust clouds. With large telescopes, astronomers can then see in detail the swarm of stars circling the supermassive black hole, in the same way that the Earth orbits the Sun.

The Galactic Center harbors the closest supermassive black hole known, and the one that is also the largest in terms of its angular diameter on the sky, making it the best choice for a detailed study of black holes.

This black hole’s mass is a hefty four million times that of the Sun, earning it the title of supermassive black hole. Although it is huge, this black hole is currently supplied with little material and is not shining brightly. But this is about to change.

We hope you like the video!  And in related news there is an FRB or fast radio burst they detected from the Messier galaxy.  They think it camre from a pulsar but who knows for sure/


  1. Geoff Warr said:

    This is interesting so why do you need to use a completely bullshit title? You have no video of a ‘Black hole melt down’
    fucking hate these sensationalist stories with their straight up wrong titles to lure ppl in. Shame on you posing as a science page and being so inaccurate.

  2. Tony Berberian said:

    Impossible…. If anyone or anything was within naked eye sight range of a horizon event they would be deatomized in a fraction of a second….. Science

  3. Peter Bodin said:

    They can view a blackhole 25000 light-years away… but can’t seem to identify UFOs in our own solar system or on our own planet. One word…. horseshit!

  4. Mike Schnieders said:

    Question to all the science geeks out here.
    Let’s say for sake of argument, that our black hole, in the center of our Milky Way system, wants to explode. Would that throw our system out of kilter?

  5. John Cannon said:

    Imagine at black hole of 30 billion suns releasing all that matter at once from it’s singularity. It would be a mini Big Bang

  6. Louis Castillo said:

    Dont get me started Fabian Gomez. Theres soo much more than this thats going on right now that 90% of “sheeple” dont know. . check out niburi and planet x. Ssp. Project blue beam. So much more. Im going to come over and rattle your brain soon. Hopefully u know already lol

  7. Alvin Mong said:

    An epic black hole melt down? And you claim it’s on video?

    Are you the Nigerian price with my inheritance?


