They Found Some Mysterious Near Earth Objects

Here is a bit more information on these particular objects and what may be manipulating their path currently, as well as in the future:

According to the authors of the study, this asteroid family may be the source of some of the dark NEOs found to be on long, highly inclined orbits.

“The Euphrosynes have a gentle resonance with the orbit of Saturn that slowly moves these objects, eventually turning some of them into NEOs. This particular gravitational resonance tends to push some of the larger fragments of the Euphrosyne family into near-Earth space,” said Dr Joseph Masiero of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, lead author of a paper accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal ( preprint).

And below is a related video discussing some of the concerns about an asteroid coming close to earth.  I’m not sure what camp to be in, but it may be interesting none the less.

Feel free to comment with your ideas on this controversial matter and check back for updates.

thanks to for the great info

thanks to NASA and Cal Tech for the pic


  1. Marion Moïse said:

    It’s Morse code, seemingly spelling, “se,” but from the other side, actually spelling, “es,” Latin for “you are”. Either that, or a plane with a defective landing light.

  2. Rodrigo Peres Triana said:

    Travel or even communication cannot travel faster than light, intelligent aliens should be all over the immense Universe but located immense distances in between, this means that it is impossible to travel between alien civilizations, probably could exist some kind of one way minimal communication that would take millions of years to answer so there is not way to effect any intelligent exchange. Fermi paradox do not exist because it is almost impossible to find the solution to it…

  3. Donivan J. Irby said:

    Looking into heaven, we see the past and journey to our ends… Where do you live, in present? I trust and believe, we’re each travelling together…! Enjoy, while you can


