They Just Found An Ancient Lost Palace Near Sparta

And here is some historical info from wikipedia on part of the history of the area:

Neolithic to Middle Bronze Age

Mycenae, an acropolis site, was continuously inhabited from the Early Neolithic (EN) down through the Early Helladic (EH) and Middle Helladic (MH) periods; EN Rainbow Ware constitutes the earliest ceramic evidence discovered so far.[6] Pottery material spanning the entire EHI through EHIII period was discovered in 1877–1878 by Stamatakis at a low depth in the sixth shaft grave in Grave Circle A; further EH and MH material was found beneath the walls and floors of the palace, on the summit of the acropolis, and outside the Lion Gate in the area of the ancient cemetery.[7] An EH–MH settlement was discovered near a fresh-water well on top of the Kalkani hill southwest of the acropolis.[7] The first burials in pits or cist graves manifest in the MH period (circa 1800–1700 BC) on the west slope of the acropolis, which was at least partially enclosed by the earliest circuit wall.[7]

And here is a cool video from the region by an unknown poster.

thanks to for the great info

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