They Made an Artificial Hurricane..Seriously

Here is more on climate engineering from wikipedia:

Most experts and major reports advise against relying on geoengineering techniques as a simple solution to climate change, in part due to the large uncertainties over effectiveness and side effects. However, most experts also argue that the risks of such interventions must be seen in the context of risks of dangerous climate change.[14] As a rule of thumb it would appear that the scale of risks and costs of each climate engineering option appear to be somewhat inverse: The lower the costs, the greater the risks.[14][unbalanced opinion] Some have suggested that the concept of geoengineering the climate presents a moral hazard because it could reduce political and public pressure for emissions reduction.[15] Groups such as ETC Group[16] and individuals such as Raymond Pierrehumbert have called for a moratorium on deployment and out-of-doors testing of geoengineering techniques for climate control.[17][18]

What would you do?  Could this type of scientific application be harmful or beneficial?  Feel free to comment.

thanks to Raymond Shobe for the image


  1. David Hua Ken Cheng said:

    Hurricanes are spiralling vortex – nothing incredible about that. The incredible part about that is the combine forces that comes together and creates the beast.


