They Put Lasers in Space to Test one of Einstein’s Theories

can you guess what happens?

One theory of science finally gets put to the test.  Here is the background from the story:

According to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, all bodies in a vacuum regardless of their properties are accelerated by the Earth’s gravity at the same rate. This principle of equivalence applies to stones, feathers and atoms alike. Under conditions of microgravity, very long and precise measurements can be carried out to determine whether different atoms of different mass actually “fall equally fast”.

Ok that sounds possible right?

See what happens when astronomers placed the lasers into space.  Apparently the team thinks they can prove this theory potentially with two kinds of deployments.

Will they be successful?  No one has ever tried this before and when testing a theory like this you better be sure you can measure things accurately as there are a ton of books and equations written about it.

Let’s find out more and check out a cool video on page 2

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  1. Sunny Hise said:

    It would depend on the power rating on the emitter of the Amplifier & its ability to Sensitize it’s Emission & Direct its Radiancies to achieve its destination.!


