They Took the First Ever Picture of “Thunder” Wow

whoa check this out!

There are awesome pics of lightning but finally they took a picture of thunder?!  Who ever heard of such a thing?  Well these adventurous scientists took this amazing footage.  Here is an excerpt from the report:

For the first time, scientists have precisely captured a map of the boisterous bang radiating from a lightning strike. The work could reveal the energies involved in powering some of nature’s flashiest light shows.

As electric current rapidly flows from a negatively charged cloud to the ground below, the lightning rapidly heats and expands the surrounding air, generating sonic shock waves. While scientists have a basic understanding of thunder’s origins, they lack a detailed picture of the physics powering the crashes and rumbles.

This is pretty cool as is always the case with physics.

In a related factoid, have you heard of the place in Venezuela that has lightning almost every day it is crazy?

Let’s read more on the next page as well as checking out this cool video!

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  1. George Meleski said:

    The heated air is illuminated showing the leading edge of the shock wave. Because the return stoke is gone within a few milli seconds and catching that whike also being close enough to capture it at the time of expansion is probably what they are talking about.

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