This Compound’s Melting Point Is As High As Two Thirds Of The Sun

Awesome…now what do we do with this?

Hold on, hold on! We may have a new world record here.

Researchers from Brown University may have found a substance with a melting point that beats out the previous record by a few hundred degrees.

The candidate is a combination of three elements: hafnium, nitrogen and carbon, and it’s expected to have a melting point of about 7,460 degrees Fahrenheit — about two-thirds the temperature of the sun.

At that level of heat, the substance would beat out the long-time melting-point champion, tantalum hafnium carbide, which was found to have a melting point at 7,128 degrees in 1930 (sorry bud, you had a good run).

Let’s find out more and check out a cool video on page 2

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