This Guy Made a Laser Drone at Home..Seriously

The commenters for the most part seem to appreciate the radness of this home invention.

This comment is actually from the device maker:

Ground targets easier made me laugh xD it took a minute until I had those suckers where I needed them to get popped. So Flying AND pickung up a ground target…impossible :> unless you have a better drone with a hover mode. I tried to hover and let the balloon come closer, then BANG. Only chance. But thanks :>

Commenter Chris M is a bit more cautious:

This is really neat although I agree with the dangerous part. I studied lasers in college and was trained in laser safety and understand and appreciate the special hazards that they pose (not that you don’t but I’m agreeing with you that people should be careful. Thank you for bringing that to the front right off the bat). I’m curious if the laser is part of the package you purchased or if it was a custom aftermarket mod you added. Thanks for sharing.



