This Mysterious “Alien Like Planet” is Like Nothing We’ve Seen

By cosmic standards (at least in our narrow understanding of things which is not saying a lot) it is very close at only 41 light years.  And heere is a bit more about this unusual exoplanet and when they spotted it for the first time:

55 Cancri e, a world 41 light-years from our own, was discovered way back in 2004. It was notable for being the first super-Earth – a planet with a mass exceeding our own world’s but not reaching that of Neptune’s – that was orbiting around a main sequence star. There’s an ongoing debate as to the composition of the planet, which some have proposed to be mostly carbon in the form of diamond.

When astronomers focus more of their telescope resources on it, there may be a clarification to this question!

And check out this video we hope you like it.

thanks to for the great info

thanks to NASA for the pic


  1. Raver Tom said:

    Scientists will Not find anything as these Alien Life Forms on these Planets dont want 2 b found plus they are far more smarter & advanced compared to the Doomed Human Race !!!

  2. Jeremy W Sutton said:

    Funny you say like nothing you seen. Physically no ones seen planets other than the moon and sun if you could bare it. The only planets we ever see are pictures. With regards to never believe everything you read on the internet…I’m not going to believe every picture thrown my way either. The worlds flat….and gravity is still today only a theory…never proven.

  3. Kyle La Velle said:

    “Alien Like Planet”
    So, not an “Alien Planet”, but only “Alien Like”.
    So, part of our solar system then. Not outside, not alien.


