Top 5 Most Unusual Animal Mysteries of All Time

Here is the number 4 mystery shown in the video:

4) The USS Stein Monster

It was 1976 and the USS Stein headed into port after it’s SONAR system had experienced failure. Upon closer inspection at the port, the special rubber protective coating of the ship’s SONAR dome had cuts as long as 4 feet across. Within many of those cuts, the remains of sharp, curved claws were found – the type of claws associated with giant squid attacks.

However, these claw marks, measuring at around 4 feet across were much, much larger than any known squid previously discovered. Due to the size of these marks, it was speculated that whatever had done this damage could measure up to 150ft in length.

We hope you enjoy the video.  Do you think any or all of these have some merit?

Feel free to comment with your theories.



