What Could Be Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

The speed of light travels at about 186,000 miles per second if memory serves correct (186,282 to be exact).  In the video on the next page they ponder a very interesting question.  Some may call it stupid and others may call it profound.  What is the speed of dark?  The video explains more.  And here is one of the comments about it:

But it must have physical properties, darkness is a aspect of physics which isn’t affect by gravity, magnetism or any other natural force? Its existence is just there, without a real meaning (regarding physics), its just a placeholder for when light isn’t there. Nearly (everything with mass) everything we know of is affected by gravity, even time without mass?

Let’s watch and find out what this is all about on page 2

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  1. Kurt Stuhler said:

    “What could be faster than the speed of light” My girlfriend realizing I just changed the radio from country to cl$#%&!@*ic rock. How the hell do they do that?

  2. Chris Godin said:

    The only thing faster than the speed of light is the rate at which the universe is expanding, since light is part of the universe, it is therefore confined in it, and cannot break the speed of the expansion of the universe.

  3. Eric Myers said:

    Gravity is faster, quantum entanglement, and dark energy are all in theory faster then light. Only gravity of black holes has been proven. The problem is m$#%&!@* created by the boson Higgs field adds m$#%&!@* to particles. As soon as the field is understood, we may be able to manipulate it

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