What Is At The Bottom Of The Baltic Sea?

Apparently there is a very unusual object at the bottom of The Baltic Sea.  It was discovered in 2011 and the theories of the origins of this thing are all over the place.

Is the Baltic Sea Anomaly a 14,000 year old alien spacecraft that crash landed?
In what seems to come straight out of a starwars film, something like a crashed millenium falcon has been spotted at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

The image first appeared on the sonar of Ocean X, a private treasure hunting company, a couple of years ago.

Also note the streak marks behind it. Look at the way they are shaped….it looks like whatever this thing was crashed and skidded along the ground before coming to a stop

The team that discovered this object noted that when their boat was directly above it some of their electrical equipment stopped working. When they sailed away , the equipment started working again.

Let’s find out more on this strange object on video and read more on the discovery on page 2

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  1. Tessa Ann Moore said:

    None of must have seen the actual sonar images, you all seem to just be referring to the ARTIST’S RENDERING, which is an interpretation of the object, not a picture of the ACTUAL object…

  2. Brandon Hall said:

    Manmade structure carved into stone that’s slid into the sea. Add in shifting ocean depth and land above sea level, and there it sits.

  3. Scott Krumwiede said:

    I would love to think that it was a crashed alien spacecraft, but I believe that it is a formation of rock with a magnetic field of some kind, which would have an affect on electronic equipment.

  4. Ron Henry Wells said:

    That’s a myth. Right angles appear in nature all the time, and this is an artists rendering. I’m all for finding out if it’s man made, alien or natural, but hyperbole, and illogic based on an interpretative painting aren’t the way to get any real answers.

  5. Eric Myers said:

    You got to read the article. They ran out of money when it was found and the sea is treacherous there. Plus they claim electronics fail when there close.

  6. Kuest Pantaleon said:

    You can see the video of the dive team viewing the anomaly on youtube. They say their is a second craft not far off from it but I can’t seem to find the video of that second dive. It would be pretty cool if I could view it and make my own $#%&!@*umptions.

  7. Ryan Schlicker said:

    ROFL some people are hilarious… Man built ancient temples and pyramids…. With what technology may I ask?! If we can’t duplicate these magnificent structures today. It is safe to $#%&!@*ume someone else with extreme intelligence and technology were already here probably long before recorded history. It is the only explanation that makes sense…. Seriously

  8. Ryan Schlicker said:

    The only logical explanation for the ancient past is what people fear the most. And that is the truth. I would recommend doing your own homework and stop listening to mainstream rubbish and trendy ways of thinking to actually see what our reality truly is which is the complete opposite of what most people think what they think life is today.

  9. Ronan Dauria said:

    What is not to understand its big it’s every heavy , deep and the government keeping the trap shut and order to find out the real deal need millionaire and people that have the balls to bring it up

  10. Ronan Dauria said:

    We can send 3.7 trillion of $ to space let’s stop 5 years and work on this should not be to hard go bring this thing up off the sea floor

  11. Clay Murphy said:

    Definitely not natural, and extraterrestrial civilizations are a fact….think and look up at te sky at night and tell yourself that we ‘re alone….no rational person believes that

  12. Bob Wood said:

    its not natural cause i said so. research and knowledge be damned. that ROCK is clearly a spaceship. it must be lord xenus from scientology. somebody call tom cruise

  13. Kuest Pantaleon said:

    The picture you are seeing is merely just that a picture. The actual video shows it to be metálic. You can view it for yourself on you tube. Search Baltic Sea anomaly , see it for yourself.


