What is This HUGE Object Blocking an Unusual Star?

Typically, no one wants to jump to conclusions but there has been speculation from top astronomers that it is extraterrestrial in origin!  Here are some of the first comments:

The most obvious explanation for hundreds of irregular dimming events is that KIC 8462852 has a mass of space junk – all kinds of rocks and dust of varying shapes and sizes – circling it in tight formation, says Ross Andersen at The Atlantic. The only problem is that this only occurs when a star is young, and the evidence points to KIC 8462852 being mature. “If it were young, it would be surrounded by dust that would give off extra infrared light,” says Andersen. “There doesn’t seem to be an excess of infrared light around this star.”

“We’d never seen anything like this star,” one of the researchers, Tabetha Boyajian from Yale University in the US, told him. “It was really weird.”

Word is that SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute scientists are considering devoting their time to it.

The fact that SETI is going to start focusing on it is indication enough that top astronomers think there may be a possibility of aliens.

This is a trip and very intriguing to say the least.

thanks to sciencealert.com for the great info

thanks to NASA for the pic



