Who Built The Ancient Ellora Caves In India?

This is a secret underground city that is not often talked about.  This inquisitive narrator takes on a journey through this ancient archaeological place.  It is in India which is also the home of the mysterious Ajanta caves.  Inside both of them you will notice intricate carvings and somewhat of a record keeping system.  The origins are not known although there is a lot of speculation in the archaeology community.  Here is a bit more on this video:

We are at Ellora caves in India, and I am going to show you some solid evidence about a secret underground area that is hidden under these caves. As you can see, there is a rectangular tunnel about 1 foot wide that is vertically going down, and is not open for public access. I asked the security guards if I could take a closer look and they told me that visitors are not allowed but they also told me that, this tunnel is over 40 feet deep and then it takes a right angle turn to proceed underground. Nobody knows what’s inside after that because the tunnel becomes too narrow for human beings to get through it.

This is a cool elephant statue outside of the caves

Here is another one that is hiding in plain sight. You can see a channel on the ground and there is a small rectangular opening at the end of this passage that would drain the water to the other side of the temple. But, I went to the other side of this rock but guess what? It is a solid stone!! So, there is no other way, except that this rectangular opening leads to the underground. Notice that the rectangular opening is only large enough for a 10 year old to go in? Since adult human beings can’t access it, was it designed for human beings at all?

We hope you like this video and feel free to comment with any of your ideas on this place and who built it.



