With Huge Tesla Coils This Band Plays The Imperial March and Its Awesome

you don’t see THAT everyday 😉

Tesla electricity coils are being used in amazing way in this giant science experiment.  There are plenty of videos making their way around YouTube with homemade tesla devices.  However, these guys took things to another level.

To make things weirder the middle of the stage is someone inside a metal cube breakdancing.  There’s some stuff you just can’t make up.  This is extremely interesting and one of the most far out things I’ve seen in a long time.  Many are fans of the works of Nikola Tesla and his electricity harnessing coils.  Usually they involve a cylinder, copper wrapped around to the top, a conductor ball and a few other components.  I’m assuming the band members are huge science fans.  This is just awesomeness.

It is safe to say you have likely never seen this before in the video on page 2

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