Wonder What’s Beneath The Enormous Ice Sheets In Antarctica?

who knew?

We often search for stars, exoplanets and evidence of alien life at extremely vast distances.  What about the mysteries here on planet earth such as what exists beneath Antarctica.  Here is a small intro from a cool video which takes a look at the great ice sheet:

The Antarctic ice sheet is one of the two polar ice caps of the Earth. It covers about 98% of the Antarctic continent and is the largest single mass of ice on Earth. It covers an area of almost 14 million square km and contains 26.5 million cubic km of ice.

Ice enters the sheet through precipitation as snow. This snow is then compacted to form glacier ice which moves under gravity towards the coast. Most of it is carried to the coast by fast moving ice streams. The ice then passes into the ocean, often forming vast floating ice shelves. These shelves then melt or calve off to give icebergs that eventually melt.

There is a whole world there which we still know very little about!

Let’s find out more on what they found in the video on page 2

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  1. Brad Zerbo said:

    What if they found an ancient city just as modern as ours only with a different look and feel obviously. That would be wild!

  2. Lou Ingalls said:

    A bunch of co2 that is not being blamed for anything even though it was captured in millions of years of ice and is now being released? Way to go Al Gore!

  3. Augustus J Palaza said:

    Richard Byrd and his team explored Antarctica back in the 50s. He said they found natural resources to supply the whole world for hundreds of years. Coal, uranium etc… He also said there is more land unexplored, the size of Europe and North America combined…. conveniently after his admissions the United Nations created the Antarctic treaty and barred anyone from going there. The only place open to visit is called ” deception island”, go figure. I wouldn’t believe any of what they are trying to teach about Antarctica. It’s selective information, twisted the way they want you to hear it and believe…. it is covering up a MASSIVE secret from the world….

  4. Lee Martin said:

    What’s buried beneath is what’s left of the world that existed before the world was covered in ice, who knows what could be buried underneath the massive ice continents.


