You Know That Mysterious “Alien Like” Star…They Started Searching For Aliens There Now


That was fast..

The internet was going crazy over that mysterious star that may have had a dyson sphere surrounding it.  So, now astronomers are getting right to searching for aliens there:

The search for signs of life in a mysterious star system hypothesized to potentially harbor an “alien megastructure” is now underway.

Astronomers have begun using the Allen Telescope Array (ATA), a system of radio dishes about 300 miles (483 kilometers) northeast of San Francisco, to hunt for signals coming from the vicinity of KIC 8462852, a star that lies 1,500 light-years from Earth.

Let’s find out more how they are looking for extraterrestrials on page 2

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  1. Ben Leuang said:

    Nobody has mentioned this so i will and i want first dibs on whatever associates me receiving money for claiming so…..a small black hole orbits the star….just putting it out there….

  2. Branden Lee Bolson said:

    Just a thought 1500 light years away from earth ruffly what if we are looking at reminents of an alien species here I mean for all we know by looking through the scope that civilisation died out years ago and all that’s left is old tech floating in space but hay old tech from a dead race that had space travel is better then our new tech right?

  3. Chuck Sinatra said:

    If it was far enough away, I don’t see why it couldn’t. Black holes are nothing more than the collapsed remains of a dead star with a similar gravitational pull until the event horizon. Maybe it was a rogue that got caught in that solar system. It would certainly explain why the light dips so much further than if it was a planet. I wonder if there’s any gravitational lensing that we haven’t heard about yet.

  4. Eric Myers said:

    I like your train of thought. But a gravitational anomaly would bend light not block it. So they would be able to determine weather it was a black hole or not.

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