10 Bizarre Holes on Earth

Here is the description of the next three on the list:

  • Number 8. The KTB Superdeep Borehole. Starting in 1982, the German Ministry of Research began a scientific exploration drilling program, deep into the earth’s crust, that would last more than 12 years and cost more than a third of a billion dollars, their most expensive geo-science project ever.
  • Number 7. The Guatamala City Sinkhole. In 2010, a massive hole suddenly opened up in the middle of the city and swallowed a three story factory house, along with fifteen people inside. The cause was attributed to Tropical Storm Agatha, which impacted Guatamala just three days after the eruption of Volcano Pacaya. Number
  • 6. Siberian Craters. Yet another new geological phenomenon was discovered in 2014 when a reindeer herder discovered a two hundred foot crater in a remote area known as The End Of The World.

We hope you enjoyed the video on this strange phenomenon


