Examine the Different Ways Time Travel Could Happen

could any of these actually work?

From Einstein’s clock experiment to the double slit test people have tried to prove time travel for a long time.  The clock experiment is the one in which a pocket watch was compared to a clock flown around the world.  When they compared the clocks there was a slight difference which they attributed to gravity waves which overlaps with this concept.  What do you think?  Here is an intro to this fascinating look:

Documentary on time travel. Is it possible to travel through time? A scientific look at the theories and facts of time travel in the universe. Do the laws of physics allow for time travel? Albert Einstein had a few theories on the matter.

Have you heard of Einstein’s experiment or the double slit experiment?  That is the one where the trajectory of a photon changed when being watched.

Let’s check out the possibile ways to theoretically time travel listed in the video on page 2

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