Could Forms Of Life That We Don’t Understand Be On Mars Right Now?

What do you think is this reasonable or just theory for the sake of headlines?  Here is more on the specific areas they think may differ:

In the research, they discussed how, while life on Earth has a unique biochemical toolset, life on Mars or even Titan could survive with a few adaptations. On Earth, for the most part it requires oxygen, nitrogen and other key ingredients to survive, in addition to storing information via DNA and RNA, which is why we look for these things on other worlds.

But that might not be the case everywhere. One example is that a water-hydrogen peroxide mixture, rather than water, could be used in the cells of small microorganisms on Mars, whereas those on Titan could use liquid methane or ethane. Some other chemical process aside from DNA could store information as well.


There are a few particular areas of the terrain that are especially unusual including a certain peak!

Let’s check out more of the telegraph peak anomalies in the video on the next page

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  1. James Tohannie said:

    I honestly believe humans originated from Mars. It was a dying, waring planet. We came to earth just when it was habitable enough. That’s why humans look to the stars longingly and that’s why we associate the red planet as the God of war.

  2. Jesse McGowen said:

    That’s a fucking stupid question. Yes of course. Hell they could be here on earth. If we lack the knowledge to understand them then they could be anywhere and we would have to work on that assumption until we find something to the contrary.


