Could Forms Of Life That We Don’t Understand Be On Mars Right Now?

Note the pic on the previous page is from the 1970s and they weren’t looking for other types of evidence as suggested in this research.

I would definitely like to hear more on how they would search for these other types of biological processes in the future.

And here is a video of some unusual pics from the Mars Curiosity Rover in 2015.

What do you think will they ever find organisms or even more complete evidence of past life on Mars?  And do you think they will ever get an astronaut there?

We hope you like the video and check back for updates from the curiosity rover.

thanks to for the great info


  1. James Tohannie said:

    I honestly believe humans originated from Mars. It was a dying, waring planet. We came to earth just when it was habitable enough. That’s why humans look to the stars longingly and that’s why we associate the red planet as the God of war.

  2. Jesse McGowen said:

    That’s a fucking stupid question. Yes of course. Hell they could be here on earth. If we lack the knowledge to understand them then they could be anywhere and we would have to work on that assumption until we find something to the contrary.


