1,200 B.C. Scroll Has Encoded Information About A Mysterious Star

Here is what archaeologists had to say about this particular find:

Ancient Egyptians wrote Calendars of Lucky and Unlucky Days that assigned astronomically influenced prognoses for each day of the year. The best preserved of these calendars is the Cairo Calendar dated to 1244 – 1163 BC (Ramesside Period). According to scientists at the University of Helsinki, this papyrus is the oldest preserved historical document of naked eye observations of a variable star, the eclipsing binary star Algol.

The analysis revealed that the periods of the variable star Algol (2.85 days) and the Moon (29.6 days) strongly regulate the actions of deities in this calendar.

“We show that Algol was represented as Horus and thus signified both divinity and kingship,” the researchers said.

“The texts describing the actions of Horus are consistent with the course of events witnessed by any naked eye observer of Algol.”

This video has a brief background on this star that is referenced in the scroll:


thanks to sci-news.com for the great info

And here is a fascinating video on decoding heiroglyphics.  The archaeologist who gives the talk has been

interested in this area since he was a boy:

How did Egyptologists decipher hieroglyphics? Jean-Francois Champollion started working on decoding the ancient Egyptian writing when he was 9 years old at the end of the 18th century. When the Rosetta stone was discovered, he was able to decode the script and read the inscriptions. This opened up the world to a wealth of ancient knowledge and history as other scholars tackled the mysteries of Babylonian, Sumerian, Ugaritic, Hurian and Assyrian.

We hope you enjoy the video.

thanks to sci-news.com for the great info

thanks to  Jetsu L. / Porceddu S., doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0144140.s001. for the pic



  1. Marshall Olsen said:

    If you subtract the circumference of a circle made inside the 4 corners of the great pyramid from the circumstance from a circle draw touching the outside of the 4 corners your left with a number that is the speed of light to the third decimal point(thousands), how they know that?

  2. Marshall Olsen said:

    My theory is that why all the ancient pyramids around the world share the same design and construction concepts is because they are all from the same (singular) civilization.

  3. Lee Martin said:

    Because they had natural wisdom and knowledge that we have lost do to all our modern technology, however it is possible that entities from another realm shared the info with them.

  4. Abraham Ellis said:

    Funny reading these articles written by pekkkawoods who destroyed and stole all the culture and evidence from the region now wanna go back and try to figure it all out. News flash!! Go talk to the ancient Egyptians who still reside in the area…not the pale skinned whitewashed Arabs, but the actual black Africans who are depicted in those texts. They reside south of Cairo all the way down to Eritrea. Thy all the same people.

  5. Tracy Hayes said:

    Even a step deeper would be to say that to chances of animals evolving with two arms and two legs that are shaped some what like humans isn’t a coincidence, its easier to say we are related than to say we evolved alike by chance

  6. James Lemann said:

    You have to wonder if people realize that Egyptians lived in a city that was thousands of years old. They had power and knowledge of life and the stars. Their sky’s was clear and could see things we can’t see today.

  7. Joseph Vopava said:

    I am pretty sure that the person, or people, who wrote this article had nothing to do with the destruction of Egypt. Quite a large time difference between then and now.

  8. Marshall Olsen said:

    nothing goes in or out the the outer rim of the van Allen radiation belts, this is well understood, whatever we’re dealing with the the TV programs us to believe is aliens are not flying from a different planet to earth thru space(impossible), but rather inter-dimensionally

  9. Trevor James McGrath said:

    Because they know the Hermetic principal of “As above, so below.” Meaning that the microcosm of the body is a fractal of the macrocosm. They would meditate deeply, to where they were able to perform inter dimensional travel and astral projection. They did not choose to be confined to strictly physical reality because they knew it was an illusion. They chose to transcend. To know thyself is to know thy universe. We are much more than just the body.

    “You aren’t just a drop of water in the ocean, you are the whole ocean in one drop of water.”


