3D Printed Motor Runs Like a Perpetual Machine

In this perpetual motion machine all he does is blow on it to start the motion.  No hidden batteries, no electrolytic converters.  There are mounted tantalum capacitors and magnets in the middle surrounded by copper coils.  He also shows you with a flashlight around the device that there are no hidden energy sources.  One of the commenters makes an astute observation:

You might have fewer skeptics if you point out that the spinning platter is a flywheel energy storage system.

The platter transfers its energy to the circuit via the generator coils at a rate that is a function of the angular velocity. The motor coils also accelerate the flywheel as a function of voltage. This creates an equilibrium speed that is a function of energy in the system where the generator coils are slowing the platter at the same rate the motor coils are accelerating it.

Energy is lost to the system mostly through friction and a very little bit through heat generated in the electric circuit. Thus you are essentially demonstrating that your flywheel mounting loses very little energy to friction while running (measured as energy use while at full speed, most of the energy ‘used’ while the platter is accelerating is actually just being stored in the platter).

Either way it is exciting, even if on a small scale to pursue efficient energy concepts.  With new 3D printing capabilities hopefully we will be able to make more progress towards reducing fossil fuel dependency.


