5D Printing…Did He Really Just Say That?

We all know that 3D printing is the term for printing objects or anything with 3 dimensions.

Joris Peels on quora explains his thoughts on 4D and 5D printing:

4D printing is a term used for self assembling materials. Self assembly means that a smart material can after it is manufactured change shape. So a thing is 3D printed and later once it is exposed to heat for example the strand of material will become a sphere for example.
I’ve never heard of 5D printing. Maybe its the equivalent of Web 5.0. I can’t really see how one would print a thing that would self assemble and then somehow do something in a parallel universe.
If nothing else, it sounds as if the printer that he discusses, Ember is incredible and open sourced to some degree.  If their software was taylored wo each user and got more intelligent as designs progressed each year, as well as objects that change shape, I guess that is pretty rad.  Not sure it’s 5D and I might have to agree with the quora poster but cool none the less!
thanks to Joris Peels and quora for the info


