8 Bizarre Mysteries Of The Ancient Pyramids In Egypt

these STILL remain unsolved…

The complex at Giza may be the most mysterious and debated site in all of archaology.  And out of all of the discussions, heiroglyphics and structures, there are 8 particular mysteries that stand out.  Some have even called the Egyptians antiquity’s greatest nerds because of their knowledge of geography, astronomy and other scientific studies.  And nowadays, nerds are cool because they have skills and capabilities that are becoming appreciated.  Maybe one day archaologists or someone can actually figure the answers out to these.

Let’s check out which mysteries made the top 8 list in the video on page 2

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  1. Ds Mercer said:

    I’ve been to egypt, n other parts of n. africa n med. ppl never believe what i tell them i saw w my own eyes or what their stories/folklore explain .. just like they don’t belueve native american stories of star children n travelers .. or the Hindu txts aboyt vrimana .. the word sheep, perfectly describes anyone blindly following, vs using their own reason n logic to decide .. and it’s hilarious that people can’t see they’re being insulted in their own religious txts … smh ..

  2. Ds Mercer said:

    what part? It’s all heesay n folklore, as far as that goes .. but having been to the pyramids n having seen no soot marks or torch sconces deep in them, leaves you wondering how they saw in the dark .. as well as the heiroglyphs showing the removal of body parts, heads too, and replacement with others .. along with the glyphs of the ‘light bulbs’
    As well, there is a museum here in the U.S. that has, in its basement, the skulls of red haired humanouds, that are close to double the size of’normal’ skulls, and squared jawlines – local native americans tell a story of how the beings were chased into the cave by the tribe n sealed in the cave.
    now, not to get all preachy, or religious-like, because I’m not… but…
    Most Christians call me a heretic, because i not only don’t believe in the virgin birth, but think that requiring me to believe that as the hingepiint of my soul’s eternal salvation, is absurd. God just wouldn’t do that. Life is too complicated to have rediculous rules. Man did that, to control other men n to get them to do their bidding, nothing more.
    ALL he has created, in whatever way n shape, have His grace. In Mideastern culture, Jesus was a prophet that brought a message, not the messiah, as our bible would have us believe .. n that doesn’t mean he can’t be a savior .. his message n teachings are the way, selflessness, tolerance, n love, are how we show our thanks for God’s grace… nothing more. And just like I want my child to live n get what they want, regardless of how terrible they are, in general, so God wants for us, as His children, regardless. .. n if i can understand that, in my finite, feeble little mind, how much more do you think a being like God can want for His children/creations … we are ALL made in His image, because God is everything 😉
    And God doesn’t need to threaten us with an eternity of damnation, as energy can’t be created nor destroyed, only transformed. The truth is simply this, if you don’t get it and aren’t part of it, you simply miss out .. on His live, His gifts, His blessings .. that’s it, nothing more .. n the hell, is what you create, in that lufe without Him, or His love . 🙂

  3. Ds Mercer said:

    With regard to stories n people we talked to, we heard everything from star travelling people, here to help lead us into enlightenment, to devils that came here to usurp this planet and drive us farther from God, for their own malicious purposes (I’m assuming they were referring to times people were sacrificed for whatever god may have been in charge) .. but ultimately, the idea behind most of the stories was that there were people on earth with technology so advanced n powerful, that it was like magic, and made them god-like, in the eyes of the indigenous…

  4. Ds Mercer said:

    yes . .. they talk about several things. but vimana are talked about, in pretty good detail, in hindu txts .. or epics ..in the tablets. those talk about creating the Adamu and their purpose for the visit here. the interpretation of the tablets, before their partial destruction, was where the epics probably came from, or at least in part .. but, they are covered in detail, in the epucs.
    as well, the story of these travelers exist in other cultures, not just in India


