A Working Hoverboard…Is This For Real?

The Hendo Hoverboard project is on kickstarter.  Here is an excerpt from one of the more spirited comments by Monkee Supremacy:

It’s noisy, it’s expensive, it’s restrictive, even the simplest jump would damage the magnets on landing. This kind of a hoverboard could have been build a long time ago if anyone thought that people would be interested in buying it. It doesn’t take “thinking outside the box” to put a few magnets under a board and a copper floor underneath them.  I am a Back To The Future fan as much as anybody but the actual hoverboards will not be based on magnets and they are a long way away. Say no silliness
I think this seems to have promise and may take some senior engineers to contribute.  Btw they also are giving access somewhat to their “hover engine” for engineers and it costs $300.


  1. Mike Guay said:

    As we do not yet fully understand gravity or its quantum origins… It’s hard to see that we’d be able to control and modify gravitational forces to do our bidding.

  2. Mike Guay said:

    Jason Clayton
    Lol, it’s difficult to generate a stable, localized field, when one is unsure what that field is comprised of. Waves? Particles? Or other undiscovered quantum critters.


