A Working Hoverboard…Is This For Real?

Could this catch on?

When watching this thing it sure looks like it works.  This hoverboard is made by an inventor named Greg Henderson and he is the founder at Arx Pax.  He states that he’s an architect first and foremost.  This technology is powered by Lenz’s Law which states:

If an induced current flows, its direction is always such that it will oppose the change which produced it.

The humble inventor says he had to google it himself.  This hoverboard won’t work on a regular surface and instead will need some type of metallic compound or element.  In this case he constructed the floating skate park like structure with copper.

Many remember the famous hoax with a lot of

Watch this intriguing video of this thing floating on the next page

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  1. Mike Guay said:

    As we do not yet fully understand gravity or its quantum origins… It’s hard to see that we’d be able to control and modify gravitational forces to do our bidding.

  2. Mike Guay said:

    Jason Clayton
    Lol, it’s difficult to generate a stable, localized field, when one is unsure what that field is comprised of. Waves? Particles? Or other undiscovered quantum critters.

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