Aeroponics – A New Way of Farming is Fascinating

It is still early on in the game of aeroponics so there will be a lot of trial and error and refining to this industry.  One issue we all know is that there are 7 billion people on planet earth.  There is record demand for food consumption and a lot of the soil integrity is degrading.  There is a lack of rotation farming which rotates different crops in different years and seasons to replenish the soil with nutrients and minerals.

There have also been studies that GMO crops harm soil longevity.  They may temporarily yielding more crops per acre then in the long run yielding less and less.  So, are aeroponics the answer to meet the increasing food demand of the planet?  Maybe so although more research and studies will need ot be done.  Think of all the industrial parks and empty buildings that could be used to produce food if this indeed catches on.  LED lighting is more energy efficient than traditional bulbs so that would be one factor keeping costs reasonable.

Feel free to write your comments as this trend is gonna be one to watch..


