Astronomers are Launching a New “Exoplanet Finder” and it…

what are they gonna FIND?

Exoplanets may be the most likely way to find alien life.  Although this is obviously a debatable topic, within the last decade astronomers have spotted some likely candidates.  For example kepler 452-b is considered by many to be the most “Earth like” one we have found.  So how does this new tool work?  Here is more info:

A new type of exoplanet finder comes on line in the next year. Working with the giant telescopes of the Chilean outback, the Very Large Telescope on Mt Paranal, it will distinguish the polarized light of planet atmospheres from the light of their parent stars. This new planet detection system offers an ingenious new way to tease out the light of a planet with the overwhelming brightness of a star. Adapted from EsoCast, with Dr. J.

Whoa do you think this is gonna find some cool stuff?  Perhaps an exoplanet with life on it like ours or very different?

Let’s check out a video of this exoplanet finder on page 2

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