Astronomers Are Reporting About A Huge “Invisible Structures” In The Milky Way

first a new planet now THIS?

You read the headline correctly and it surprised us too.  Apparently this has been quite a week for astronomy.  First two scientists from Caltech darn near proved that there is another unseen planet at the edge of the solar system.  Now, a different group says they’ve spotted some unusual objects in our galaxy:

Astronomers think they may have found giant “invisible” structures lurking in the Milky Way. These things seem to be pretty big – roughly the size of Earth’s orbit around the Sun – and they could help to explain where a bunch of missing matter in the universe is, known as the missing baryon problem.

Let’s find out more about what these objects could be on page 2

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  1. Michael DeLoach said:

    C Michael Erber-LaPierre actually he’s right there are rules and there are some very advanced civilizations enforcing them. I read months ago already that there are hundreds if not thousands of cloaked spherical ships positioned throughout our solar system. These are inter-dimensional beings. It’s not an invasion. They’re here to help us with ascension from the 3rd diminsion to the 5th. Google sphere being alliance and see for yourself.

  2. Michael DeLoach said:

    Chris Dentzer do some research for yourself if you’re so smart. Start with then go to and start reading. You can believe it or not it makes no difference to me. But ascension is happening. Within the next couple of months there will be a global reset of the financial system called the event. Followed by full disclosure of everything that has been kept hidden from us and I do mean everything. And that will include the existence of advanced civilizations from both on and off this world. It’s all related to ascension and our own advancement.

  3. Jessica Parrish said:

    Wow, this is very in depth, awsome, what if the ascension is the awakening from the Bible,, like everything’s combined & most everyone believes in both, one or the other, or nothin,

  4. Michael Rogers said:

    Jessica Parrish it’s not at all serious. It was originally just humorous mocking of religion from militants athiests, then it was used in a court challenge or two to public religious displays, to make a point. And some people think it’s endlessly funny, although most if humor wore off for me after about 30 second (and I find it occasionally rather mean-spirited). But, in this case I thought it was a funny off-the-cuff remark, since people were speculating about this observation on FB posts. Ir it was funny as long as you don’t have to give a long-winded explanation, like I just did.

  5. Mike Rogers said:

    A huge structures? A? A is singular and “structures” is plural- and this site is without credibility on that alone!
    Goodbye, Felicia/

  6. Steve Tucker said:

    I had read that we share 99% of DNA with chimpanzees. With that said, consider our differences. So what if we shared that same difference in genealogy with aliens, only we were at the lower end of that difference.

  7. Ike Waggoner said:

    Actually their were 9 planets then one was not now they found their is mass very large out their they assume their must be a planet cause it is large as hell

  8. Kash Kelly said:

    How does so many of you know about aliens and$#%&!@* Newsflash no one has ever spoke with Well not anyone credible.

  9. Eric Schlemm said:

    No… First this now a new planet. Both are theories; unproven. There is no science on Facebook, just people’s theories and good old fashion manipulation.$#%&!@*mark.


