Can The Speed Of Light Be Broken?

Of course with any great scientific debate the comments can be very spirited, often with interesting commentary.

Commenter RF says:

We’re only at the tip of the iceberg of scientific endeavour. Try explaining to an average man 1000 years ago how a modern fighter jet works, how every little piece works together, who created it and how every piece is manufactured,  the scientific theory behind all these components and the whole manufacturing process. Now how can anybody sit here and sum up ‘We’ll never go faster than the speed of light, it’s 2015 & we know everything’…

I would have to agree with putting things into chronological perspective in regards to this debate.  There were a lot of commenters who suggested it is irrational and even stupid to think anything could travel faster than light.

What do you think?  Feel free to post any interesting commentary and we hope you like the video.


  1. Aaron Minner said:

    I would imagine it would be and more about gravity and time, more then speed itself. Because we already know that gravity affects time. So in theory, if we can slow the passage of time around an object trying to meet the speed of light the more plausible it is that will make such speeds possible. I think what we would have to do is create a gravity well, the trick is simulating the mass necessary to create such a gravity well.

  2. Brett William Goodwin said:

    Nothing travels faster than light….except space itself, if we can learn how to pinch and squash space…then any speed limit imposed by the universe…is meaningless


