Can The Speed Of Light Be Broken?

The ever clever Veritasium examines one of the most debated topics in science year after year.  Can anything actually travel faster than the speed of light?  If so, what type of propulsion system or physics would be involved in such an endeavor.  He goes over a few scenarios where this could theoretically take place.

Will you agree with these?

Let’s find out his theories on how we could travel faster than light in the video on page 2

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  1. Aaron Minner said:

    I would imagine it would be and more about gravity and time, more then speed itself. Because we already know that gravity affects time. So in theory, if we can slow the passage of time around an object trying to meet the speed of light the more plausible it is that will make such speeds possible. I think what we would have to do is create a gravity well, the trick is simulating the mass necessary to create such a gravity well.

  2. Brett William Goodwin said:

    Nothing travels faster than light….except space itself, if we can learn how to pinch and squash space…then any speed limit imposed by the universe…is meaningless

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