Can You Dig This Theory on The Evolution of Time?

Here these scientists start to get very technical and fancy with their terms.  They get into thermodynamics and other advanced concepts but this can be an entertaining video for all people:

The universality between Thermodynamics and Temporal Mechanics can reduce the fundamental forces of nature into a single expression, a new equivalence principle, which can be used as the generator for the evolution of time.

Once Quantum Mechanics is seen through the lens of three-dimensional time, the EPR paradox looses its mystique. The speed of light may be restricted to a set speed limit within each individual frame of reference, however, frames of reference can undergo periods-of-time at varying rates of the passage-of-time.

Check out the comments on the thread they are very inquisitive.

We hope you enjoy the video and check back for updates.


  1. Di Om said:

    Turn back the time,

    Rebuild every objects,

    Wowww…there are ghosts and zombies. 😛

    No no never try it again.

  2. Haralampos Liakos said:

    Time does not exist.
    Only corruption, movement etc do exist and we somehow have to measure them.
    Thats why we came up with time.
    This my opinion about time.

  3. Terry Martindale said:

    lol evolution of time? Unfortunately time is an invention of man used to measure progression. it s created by dividing the earths revolutions around the sun (years) into months, weeks , days, hrs, minutes, seconds, etc.

  4. David Hua Ken Cheng said:

    We all are a Single Expression Of The Moment. We are ONE with the Universe. We are moving forward through space time into layers – like the pages of a book – of the Plains of Existence. The Moment moving through us. We see the past – present and future simultaneously. The Awakens will move to a Higher Dimension – a dimension of Love-hope-change and positive vibrations. The stragglers will be left behind to rot in the filthy crimes they committed against the social structure of the living kind.

  5. Matthew Hutton said:

    Time has always existed it just not in small enough increments to understand until the big bang decreased the time and space of our reality. Like a clock without hands time is impossible to judge, the more hands you add the smaller time becomes and thus understandable.

  6. Thomas Vasquez said:

    When I’m off probation I’ll get stoned and watch this three hour movie.

    A while back I thought of the idea that we’re not moving through the world anywhere when we walk or drive or whatever, basically the world and everything move under you and you’re just in points of it that could be explained as a confluence of a whole bunch of bases at the bottom of escalators. Each step is actually your being “interacting” with these “world rollers” that end up taking you where you want. Everyone’s world rollers interact basically perfectly, that’s why they’re near you..they’re supposed to be. Also, if you bump into someone then it’s simply that you and the world rollers’ signals got mixed. It really isn’t anything but a neat idea because it wouldn’t mean anything. Anyway, the gist of the article I thought I understood reminded me of this. 3D is actually a roller of plains

  7. Sean Henderson said:

    What is time without a clock? Time wasn’t created by the universe- the universe could care less! Time was created by us, to keep track of events, life- help figure out quantum mechanics. It’s a tool. Time means nothing to someone whose lost track of it, or has no concept of it. It’s non dimensional and really doesn’t exist other than putting dates and time stamps on events.


