Could a “Laser Microwave” Spacecraft Actually Get us Deeper Into Space?

this may be closer than you think…

The last couple years have seen some futuristic tests of different types of spacecraft engines.  You may have heard of the EM Drive or SLS engine tests from NASA.  A lot of astronomers and astrophysicists think these are seriously the future of space travel.  Well in this video they examine another related type or engine that is aptly described as a “laser pumped flying saucer”.  The video is posted by “SpaceRip” who has some in depth documentaries that are very entertaining and often times factual.  Here is their exact description of this concept:

The “Lightcraft” is a laser-propelled spacecraft concept that could ultimately run on other beamed energies, such as microwave.

Is that too much or what?  Before you dismiss it as crazy watch the video.

Let’s check out this theoretical engine in the video on page 2

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One Comment;

  1. David Hua Ken Cheng said:

    The ultimate spacecraft has a profound ability to function under its own power source. The ultimate source of power is the whole craft itself – a living object – with all parts – functioning as ONE.
    Thrust Propulsion reacting against a resisting force is futile – Not IF You Redirect the inertia of resisting energy and converted it to thrust propulsion energy – just by altering a significant part of the geometric design of the spacecraft. Laser impulse propulsion is fine – so are toroid – electromagnetic field – counter rotating discs – helical vortex – EM Drive – IONS and so forth. Each of these has its own limitations. Nothing is perfect. Perfection is the journey.


