Could Forms of Life That we Don’t Understand…

Mars is getting stranger by the day…or maybe it always was.

The search for organisms on other planets and asteroids has been the focus of so many research projects, debates and theories.  However, we may only be looking for evidence that is similar to how we understand organisms.  Here is a new perspective:

It is looking increasing unlikely that we are alone in the universe, but our current theories for extraterrestrial life are based on one key condition: It will probably be similar to that on Earth, which is reasonable to assume, as it’s the only type of life we know to exist. But what if it can exist beyond these limitations?

That’s what one team of researchers has been looking into. Their paper, “The Physical, Chemical and Physiological Limits of Life,” is published in the journal Life. In particular, they speculated what kind of alien organisms might be able to survive on Mars and Saturn’s moon Titan, and came to the conclusion that there could be “life, but not as we know it,” to use the infamously misquoted phrase from Star Trek.

The red planet never ceases to amaze!

Let’s find out more about this research and checkout a recent video of Mars pictures in the video on page 2

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