Do Other Dimensions and Realities Exist In Hyperspace?

As usual the discussions of how the universe works and hyperspace theories brings up debate and interesting thought.  The comments of course are very spirited and here are two from the video:

Quagigitymire states

The idea of time being a dimension isn’t yet considered a scientific fact. We can travel through the first 3 dimensions while time appears to us to be only linear. You have you up and down, the left and the right, and the in and out, all of which we as living beings can travel through, but time to us only moves forward. It really gets quite convoluted and/or speculative and/or complicated when you try and think beyond this pertaining to time being a dimension on a level with the first 4 known dimensions. Reality may actually consist of far more than just the 3 or 4 dimensions we known and live in. there could be a vast number of others that we could never interact with nor actually truly know of. It is said that experiment with the large Hadron collider should be able to prove existence of other dimensions beyond those we are aware of currently.

and relentlessmadman replies

ok OK, we are taught math early first a point. then a line then a space, this teaching always assumes existance, which is not a discussion you want to start with six year olds. I have to admit, your thinking here makes sense! Is it a quantum mechanix, theory that say’s nothing exists until you observe, or try to measure it

We always like to see inspired thinking in regards to science and hope you enjoy the video.

thank you to the world science festival for the fascinating material



