Do Other Dimensions and Realities Exist In Hyperspace?

Could this be possible?

Some quantum physicists would argue yes.  In this fascinating video they examine details and theories about how the universe works and the key to explaining things.  Of course this is theory.  However experiments like the double slit where light can be a wave and a particle and change trajectory depending on if it is being observed would support this out there notion.

Extra dimensions of space—the idea that we are immersed in hyperspace—may be key to explaining the fundamental nature of the universe. Relativity introduced time as the fourth dimension, and Einstein’s subsequent work envisioned more dimensions still–but ultimately hit a dead end. Modern research has advanced the subject in ways he couldn’t have imagined. John Hockenberry joins Brian Greene, Lawrence Krauss, and other leading thinkers on a visual tour through wondrous spatial realms that may lie beyond the ones we experience.

Let’s see if they make a good point and how this could be possible on page 2

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