This is an excerpt about the giant squid video you can watch below!
This is a spliced video of the key squid footage from Discovery Channel’s “Monster Squid” broadcast on January 27, 2013. Thank you Discovery Channel for broadcasting this program. This post is not for profit! I just want to share the joy for all those Ceph-heads out there.
thanks to alphr.com for the great info
thanks to Elias Levy for the pic

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If we don’t have a sample of alien DNA how can a comparison be made? Seems when we can’t explain something it’s aliens or hairy guys in the sky…..stupid….
Did you even watch the videos? There DNA is arranged in such way, that it is unlike any other DNA sequence know to man, therefore they can honestly say.. It’s alien..
DNA is a relatively new science and just because man doesn’t recognize the sequence or because it is different from other known samples (everything living on the planet has nor been sampled) is not proof of alien DNA…what did Chaney say, “the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” I can’t believe I quoted that jack$#%&!@*but in the case it fits. LOL
Ancient aliens!!!!
For having the word “science” in the name, this page makes a lot of outrageous claims with nothing to back them up.
Prove it
Agreed, but it also says “Shocking.”
Yeah I thought that would have bog, shocking news like “Higgs field confirmed!” or that kind of thing, bot unsupported History Channel style crap.