“Fast Radio Burst” Signal Detected 6 Billion Light Years Away – Update

Most astronomers think it is from a pulsating neutron star however there are differing opinions on this matter.

There is an update in a new analysis presented in the enclosed video.

This is a pic of radio telescopes which SETI used and is using again to send and receive signals.


And one more traditional astronomer had this to say in regards to the matter:

Emily Petroff from Swinburne University, who helped discover the pulses, has suggested this pattern may lead to an important discovery.

She tweeted: ‘We have no idea what’s going on, but we know it’s definitely something cool.’

So even she seems not to be convinced it is from a pulsar by saying she has no idea what’s going on.

To be continued..

thanks to dailymail.co.uk for the great info


