Guy Builds a Tesla Coil at Home and Shows You How

Nikola Tesla is the famed inventor and scientist from the 1800s who has pioneered so many improvments in regards to energy.  In this video the home scientist shows you how to make tesla coils at home.  So what is a Tesla coil?

A Tesla coil is a device that uses resonant circuits and alternating current to produce extremely high voltages. Originally invented by Nikola Tesla in the late 1800s, Tesla coils have progressed from spark-gap circuits to designs involving modern solid-state switching devices such as MOSFETs and IGBTs. While there are many types of Tesla coils, what they all have in common are air-cored induction coils. Using a Tesla coil is the best way to produce a continuous high-voltage streamer.

Let’s see what components it takes to make one in the video on page 2

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