Guy Makes A Vortex Coil and Fires it UP

this Tesla-based device is sweet!

When he starts this device up it does something rad.  It is called a rodin coil which is also based on the works of Nikola Tesla.  There are a fair amount of coils and various home energy experiments that many YTers have done.  This one is pretty cool.

Some of the comments are inquisitive and the home experimenter takes time to answer them:

Commenter T1000 posts for the inventor:

Hi Jack,

In regards to all noise you probably want to have magnetic bearings as they will make shaft to levitate.
Also the geometry of windings to the magnet in middle seems is same way as in conventional motor. Wonder if there is any Rodin coils style configuration what would have spin inside of toroid because original got 90 degrees to the side of the

The home inventor Jack says:

This spooky coil screams, and is the first of the toroidal ones that wants to rotate the neorotor on an axis thru the center of the toroid. This shows some whirling effect around that axis more than a regular rodin/abha type coil. We can call this field Solid inductor geometry or something.

Let’s check out this thing in action in the video on page 2

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