Guy Makes an “Orb Weaver” Pulse Motor and Fires it Up

This video thread has some pretty enthusiastic remarks as a lot of science fans like devices like this.  Many of them involve neodymium magnets and some sort of coil configuration.

Commenter KW had this to say:

Jack, what a cool set-up, and you did a great job on the coils. Like Russ, I would love to see different coils set on top of this to see what they produce. I get the feeling that setting some more Orb Weaver’s under the rotor would make a great gen. My friend, you Rock.

And commenter KOWO also had this to post on the thread:

Nice work Jack! Does this hallsensor give a high or low signal? Beautiful pancake coils also…. Cheers…

We hope you like the video and check back for more awesome videos of motors and other cool home inventions.


