Guy Makes an Atmospheric Powered Motor And It MIGHT Be Amazing

Here is more from wikipedia excerpt on atmospheric electricity:

Atmospheric electricity is the pattern of electrical charges in the Earth’s atmosphere (or less commonly, that of another planet). The normal movement of electric charges among the Earth’s surface, the various layers of the atmosphere, and especially the ionosphere, taken together, are known as the global atmospheric electrical circuit. Much of the reasoning required to explain these currents lies within the field of electrostatics, but also requires understanding of other disciplines within Earth science.

Eliminating, for the moment, consideration of the extremely dense charge populations that exist in the upper reaches of the atmosphere, a region called the ionosphere, filled with hot, dense, plasma gas whose ions give the ionosphere its name, we note that there is always some amount of unbound positive and negative, but net positive, electric charge in the atmosphere closest to the surface of the negatively charged Earth on a ‘fine day’. When days are not so ‘fine’, the net unbound charge that exists in the clouds of thunderstorms can be exceedingly negative.

Commenter Naoki has a good suggestion pertaining to the video:

Hey Laser ever read the book called “electric universe’ by david talbott. The book basically talks about how it was electricity not gravity that shapped the universe into what it is today. The book also has tons of experiments, etc, proving their point. That book opens a door to alternative ways of energy production. Pretty cool stuff, thanx for all the work you’re doing. I’ll be working on stuff as well.

This is definitely fascinating and we hope this experimenter is onto something.  More eficient energy would be great!


  1. Michael Horton said:

    This is amazing. He used a 100 Watt hexacopter to produce one one-billionth of a watt of energy! Genius! These motors are real, but they produce no energy whatsoever. A feather could stop them, so they could NEVER turn a generator. The hexacopter part is probably fake anyhow, but the PVC part is real. These are easy to make with three 2-liter bottles and some aluminum foil. But, they produce the equivalent of no energy at all.

  2. Levi Castle said:

    This is nothing more than a display item. It nets no usable energy output. You wanna looking into real, clean, viable energy…then look into what the Germans and Chinese are currently doing with fusion. Fusion is the future of mass energy.


