Have Aliens Used Black holes for Space Travel

Could you imagine if this is true what it means about space travel and the future?  If this is true here is some more to ponder from the article:

An important problem facing alien physicists would be that the density of electromagnetic energy needed to reach the Planck scale is so great that the device would be in danger of collapsing into a black hole of its own making. However, Lacki points out that a clever designer could, in principle, get round this problem and “reaching [the] Planck energy is technically allowed, if extremely difficult”.

Not surprisingly, such an accelerator would have to be rather large. Lacki believes that if electric fields are used for acceleration, the device would have to be at least 10 times the radius of the Sun. However, a magnetic synchrotron-type accelerator could be somewhat smaller. As for what materials could be used to make the accelerator, Lacki says that normal materials could not withstand the strong electromagnetic fields. Indeed, one of the few places where such a high energy density could exist is in the vicinity of a black hole, which he argues could be harnessed to create a Planck-scale accelerator.

We hope you enjoyed reading about this possibility and we think there may be something there.

thanks to NASA for the image

thanks to physicsworld.com for the great info


  1. Elijah Rosevic Temple said:

    So, first off. I’m not scientist. But to say Aliens could have. When we don’t even know if their are Aliens. On top of that if there are Aliens. We could possibly be the most advanced race out there. Other than that the Article is pretty neat.

  2. Mike Littlefield said:

    It’s just a theory it’s all I think this was just a post to spark our imagination to be honest I mean most of the scientific community realize that aliens aren’t anywhere near us but they do also know that the mathematical probability of us being the only sentient life in the entire galaxy of 6 billion known stars that could have systems with moons and planets. That’s alot of potential I’d say honestly about a third of those stars probably have life in the stats system they just too far away

  3. Junky Goods said:

    You gotta be kidding me if yall believe we are the only life form out here and the only planet that has life on it when they are still finding new planets every other month or so as well as new solar systems and such……don’t be so closed minded. ..lolol….but of course there is other life forms out there we just have no way of getting to them cuz we are years away in travel not miles…yeaaars. …so we haven’t built anything or found any way as of yet to travel there but best believe they have so to believe we are the most advanced. …think again….don’t be so naive. ..aliens have been spoken about and drawn about for centuries ….for a reason…..

  4. Tyrone Hearn said:

    With that m$#%&!@*ive power, some life form has figured out how to use them. As technological as we are today we are still prehistoric compared to others in the universe. We need that warp drive or as used in sci-fi movies cryostasis!

  5. Eric Hre said:

    Isn’t the gravity so intense that it would literally crush and speghettify any solid material that enters ?

  6. Mike Pryer said:

    In theory….yes Eric Hre….but if big enough blackhole.might be able to p$#%&!@* through with the particles…..just a guess….not a astrophysicists….lol..


