He Did an “Anti-Gravity Experiment” and When…

this is TRIPPY…

Can you get your mind around these physics?

When he spins this very heavy wheel something trippy takes place.  Many of us have spun gyroscopes and seen them balance and this is much cooler in the large scale.  It is called gyro precession and here is a bit more about this effect in physics and what happens in the video:

In this video I attempt to lift a 19kg (42 lbs) wheel over my head one-handed while it’s spinning at a few thousand RPM. This replicates an earlier experiment by Professor Eric Laithwaite. He claimed the wheel was ‘light as a feather’ and could not be explained by Newton’s Laws. I wanted to find out for myself what I really felt like.

The experimenter here goes by the name of Veritasium.  he has a playful moniker on like an element named that.  He is famous on YouTube and really is a true science fan.

Let’s see the weird effect he shows in the video on page 2

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  1. Thomas Vasquez said:

    I always wondered about throwing weights. Like the heads of an engine around a spindle on a bearing being timed and rotating in unison then “throwing” more weight up at a calculated time causing the object to lift. In my head it seems like doing this at the right times with enough weight in a consistent pattern could cause the object to travel upward. Seems like someone could accomplish this easy nowadays.

  2. Steve Smith said:

    If the gyro procession creates a “lift” effect, then I would surmise the weight on the scale while the wheel is spinning would be less than his body weight plus the wheel not spinning.

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