Home Experimenter Makes a “Neoball Resonant Spinner” and its AMAZING

The comments on this video thread are very inquisitive.  Commenter Dan had this question after watching the video:

Well one way to test for sure – repeat the experiment but this time walk out of the room with the ball, or even walk out of the house, far enough the there is no magnetic influence. Time how long the ball spins but make sure to use the same amount of spin up coil time.

The experimenter in the video Jack had this to say in reply:

The resonance effects extend to only 12 to 24 inches, after that the spin down time id from resistance alone, in nearly all tries. However a couple or times with alignment to the earth’s magnetic field it was longer, but it was hard to replicate this. By the way, I do not claim any over-unity effects. There is some evidence of some source energy recapture, eg the so-called Bedini back-spike radiant energy.

This is fascinating stuff.  Keep on the lookout for more of these unusual devices from other home inventors.

Thanks to Jack Scholze for posting this one online!




