Is The “Speed Of Dark” Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

Bet you never thought about this?

This debate about the science of speed will make you THINK.  The speed of light has been discussed and measured obviously but what about a different way of measuring the universe and its properties?  If memory serves correct the speed of light is about 186,000 miles per second.  Even the closest star Alpha Centaurai would take us 4.3 years to travel to if going that fast.  Think about galaxies billions of light years away wow.  It is tough to get one’s mind around that.  Without getting into quantum entanglement and really crazy theoretical physics, this question as demonstrated by the ever clever “Vsauce” is something to ponder.


Let’s check out the speed of dark in the video on page 2

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  1. Jason Hallman said:

    Maybe it’s both, and the better understanding of frequencies (tuning) and applications if math, sacred numerology, sacred geometry, and new discoveries in physics, hopefully things well deem us worthy to view, that which the nothing is made of.

  2. Jason Hallman said:

    And truth being relative as a matter of perception, every 720° view, no matter how rational must be taken into consideration, until all resources have been tested and exhausted, then we may perceive the WHOLE truth.

  3. Keith Millar said:

    Diarrhoea is faster than anything on Earth, it’s quicker than thinking, it’s quicker than blinking and it’s quicker than electricity.

    Because before you even have time to think blink or switch on the light you$#%&!@*yourself!

  4. Tony Portello said:

    Darkness, which in space would be called space, does not have a property. It has no discernable substance, and cannot reflect. Light contain s all colors, and has particulate properties, therefore has the essence to travel.

  5. John Blanton said:

    (Particle)in that it can be quantized to basic packets of energy, and those packets can be observed by how they interact with electrons… (Wave) in that it demonstrates interference patterns in the double slit experiment and the different wave lengths in white light are why the individual colors separate when diffracted. I’d say physicists know light is both, and are starting to conceive the notion that maybe all matter is both Particle and wave.

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