Is This What Happens When Black Holes Collide?

Here is a bit more background from the video:

The energy released, in the form of gravitational waves, from this collision has been calculated to be 10,000 times the combined electromagnetic luminosity of every star in the known universe. Although this massive energy release lasts for only a short burst of time, it is by far the most energetic event that can occur in the known universe with the exception of the Big Bang itself.

Using gravitational wave detectors, many scientists have proposed ways to detect these gravitational waves which could travel for millions of light years from distant galaxies before dissipating. Large baseline laser interferometers, such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, LIGO, have the best chance of making the initial discovery claim of detecting gravitational waves.

This is really cool I wonder if they are right?  We hope you enjoy the video.


