Is Time Travel Possible? [Video]

The narrator in this time travel discussion is Kip Thorne, a theoretical physicist, and a long time friend of Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan.In his approach to theorizing he brings up some intelligent points.

We would like to probe the laws of physics with experiment and theory.  However wormholes, and this era of technology still hold us back.

He seems to indicate that in the future we could test more thoroughly.  So, in the meantime it can be wise to engage in thought experiments and just ask a question, and follow it logically.  Probe into the laws of physics and see what makes sense and what doesn’t.  There’s no reason to stop theorizing and pushing the envelope until we are technologically caught up enough to put these theories into real scientific tests.

Let’s watch him speak on the subject of time travel in the video on page 2

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  1. Beth Sameh said:

    Not only is it possible, but our government has been using it since the ’50’s in secret space programs along with teleportation.


